Thursday, June 2, 2011

100 Poems


Welcome to my blog. My name is Magnolia Thade and I created this corner of the Internet to be a home for a special project I am starting. I stumbled upon a talented writer who created a list of 100 different Themes to write poetry about. I was enchanted by this list and felt compelled to test my skills with it. 

A normal poem takes me at most 10 minutes to write and I will rarely ever go back and proof read it again. My goal with this project is to slow myself down and actual savor the words I write, instead of letting my thoughts float away from me. I hope you will enjoy taking this journey with me, and I hope we can learn from each other. Feel free to [constructively] critique my work. 

For more on this project, see its original home at

The list of themes is as follows: 

1. We Will Become Silhouettes [ X ]
2. Carbon [ X ]
3. Pulchritude
[ X ]
4. Tenuousness
[ X ]
5. South by southwest
[ X ]
6. Cold Mountain, North Carolina
[ X ]
7. Thunderstorms
[ X ]
8. Psalms
[ X ]
9. Asheville, NC
[ X ]
10. James Taylor
[  ]
11. North Carolina (in general)
[  ]
12. Particle physics
[  ]
13. Isaac Asimov
[  ]
14. Terraforming
[  ]
15. River of Lover
[  ]
16. Bogota
[  ]
17. Erinaceousness
[  ]
18. Virgil
[  ]
19. Zen Buddhism
[  ]
20. Voodoo
[  ]
21. the Arctic Circle
[  ]
22. Fairytales
[  ]
23. Leonardo da Vinci
[  ]
24. Dream transcription
[  ]
25. Sojourn/the Monomyth
[  ]
26. Herbalism
[  ]
27. King Arthur
[  ]
28. Gothic style
[  ]
29. Change
[  ]
30. Heirlooms
[  ]
31. Texture
[  ]
32. the Universe
[  ]
33. the 'Verse
[  ]
34. Quietness
[  ]
35. Immortality
[  ]
36. My Hands
[  ]
37. Famous Quotation
[  ]
38. Classical Composition
[  ]
39. Thunderbird
[  ]
40. Drowning
[  ]
41. Down to Earth
[  ]
42. Superfluidity
[  ]
43. Piezoelectric Surfaces
[  ]
44. Personhood
[  ]
45. Constellations
[  ]
46. Hitchhiking
[  ]
47. Hinduism
[  ]
48. Folklore
[  ]
49. History of Writing
[  ]
50. Weaving
[  ]
51. Bonfire
[  ]
52. Salt of the Earth
[  ]
53. Enigma
[  ]
54. Hermit
[  ]
55. Language
[  ]
56. Thought
[  ]
57. Cliff Diving
[  ]
58. Fear
[  ]
59. Boundaries
[  ]
60. Flightless Bird, American Mouth
[  ]
61. Soul
[  ]
62. Quartz Crystal
[  ]
63. Eclipse
[  ]
64. Python
[  ]
65. Steam
[  ]
66. Elementals
[  ]
67. Hippy
[  ]
68. Ice
[  ]
69. the Nine Muses
[  ]
70. Alice
[  ]
71. Technology and Humanity
[  ]
72. June flowers
[  ]
73. Frivolous
[  ]
74. Taoism
[  ]
75. Comers Rock, Virginia
[  ]
76. Black-Eyed Susans
[  ]
77. Where Our Destination Lies
[  ]
78. Sapience
[  ]
79. Good Omens
[  ]
80. Puzzle Pieces
[  ]
81. South African Tea
[  ]
82. Odysseus
[  ]
83. Hinduism
[  ]
84. Hermaphrodeities
[  ]
85. Barefoot
[  ]
86. Divination
[  ]
87. Grapefruit
[  ]
88. Rocks and Water
[  ]
89. Equinox
[  ]
90. Time
[  ]
91. Resurrection/Reincarnation
[  ]
92. Qualia
[  ]
93. Complexity from Simplicity (Emergence)
[  ]
94. Luck
[  ]
95. Satellite
[  ]
96. Magpie to the Morning
[  ]
97. Albert Einstein
[  ]
98. Death
[  ]
99. Vincent Van Gogh
[  ]
100. Cycle
[  ]

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