Saturday, July 16, 2011

5. South by Southwest

Hello again!
This poem is a different style than I normally write, so I'm not sure how I feel about it. When I googled South By Southwest I learned it was a music festival in Austin, so I intended to try and write about something like that.

But the first thing I thought of when I heard this title was the desert, and before I knew it this poem came out. I really like it, even though I strayed from my usual style. I hope you enjoy it, as well.

Just For One Night

Just for one night,
Let me fall asleep
To the gentle rhythm
Of desert rain.
To the hiss of liquid
Greeting the earth
Which has missed it so long.

Let my eyes close around
The night kissing the sun

Let my skin crack in the sun,
Like a snake, as I drink life from its
Solar light.

Let my breath become ragged,
As the dust steals the air
From my lungs.

Let my memories puddle
Like an oasis hidden
By empty mirages.

Just for one night,
Let my tears dry
My heart fall
My body break
And my bones disintegrate,
Until I become one
With the sand.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4. Tenuous

I have not forgotten you! I have been away at Boy Scout camp since the beginning of June, and I have been working on these poems in my sparse spare time. 
Now, onto Tenuous. This theme came at a perfect time because I feel rather Tenuous. I had intended to write a fourth stanza, but one month later and I still can't find the words, so I guess this poem just doesn't want to budge anymore. Its rather dreary, but I was in a bit of a dreary mood when it was written.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Like lead that seeps into my mind,
And weighs my body down.
Dragging my breath away from me
And carving away my crown.

I let my strength evaporate,
While crawling with my shame.
I cannot stand to reason here
Against my holy name.

And my bones will turn to brittle
As I think myself away.
While uselessly I rationalize
My excuses to decay.